Acting-up appointments and honoraria payments
Policy for teaching staff regarding acting up appointments and honoraria payments.
Department policy
The Department’s acting-up appointments and honoraria policy sets out the arrangements for the remuneration of teachers temporarily undertaking acting-up appointments or additional duties and responsibilities for which an honorarium payment may be made from schools’ delegated budgets.
1. Acting up appointments
Schools should note that partial and full acting up appointments do not require the prior approval of DE and DoF and as such a formal business case does not need to be submitted. However, schools should continue to submit a TR 268 Form to the Department for payment of acting up arrangements.
2. Honoraria
Schools are advised that any additional duties and responsibilities for which it is intended to remunerate a teacher must be treated as an honorarium. These payments must have the prior approval of the Department of Education (DE) and the Department of Finance (DoF) in all instances and a formal business case must be submitted to the relevant employing authority (Non-Teaching Workforce Team in DE in the case
of voluntary grammar and grant maintained integrated schools) using the Teaching Honoraria Application Pro-Forma.
It is important to note that schools should not enter into agreement with teachers to make such payments prior to receiving the necessary approval from DE and DoF.
If an honorarium payment is approved, schools should submit a TR 267 (honoraria) form (authorisation of payment other than salary) to DE Teachers’ Pay Team for the necessary payment to be made.
Guidance and publications
A range of guidance material and associated application forms are available at acting-up allowances and honoraria publications.