Annual Report and Accounts
The Department of Education (DE) is responsible for producing annual accounts which relate to our activities and those of the Exceptional Circumstances Body. These are prepared on an annual basis to the year ending 31 March. The accounts are made available after they have been laid before the Northern Ireland Assembly.
Executive non-departmental public bodies
DE provides funding to a number of public and private sector bodies. Financial information in respect of these bodies is reported separately in their own published annual report and accounts.
The following list represents those bodies for which DE has direct funding responsibility:
- Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta
- Council for Catholic Maintained Schools
- Education Authority
- General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland
- Middletown Centre for Autism
- Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education
- Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment
Other public sector bodies
- Grant Maintained Integrated Schools*
- Voluntary Grammar Schools*
- Health and Social Care Board (in respect of the Surestart Programme)
*Note - other schools, maintained and controlled are funded via the Education Authority. From 1 April 2017 grant maintained integrated and voluntary grammar schools are funded by the Education Authority.