Corporate and business planning
Every CHILD is the Department’s Corporate Plan for the period 2023-28. It provides the Department and broader education sector with a clear strategic focus in the medium term, outlining its priorities for improving the lives of all children and young people to achieve its Vision of “Every child and young person is happy, learning and succeeding”.
Every CHILD is structured around five Strategic Priorities, derived through stakeholder engagement and designed to pursue the achievement of the Vision, through a focus on meeting the needs of all our children and young people as best we can and to ensure that we are appropriately structured to do so.
Every CHILD will provide a strategic framework for actions that focus on delivering successful outcomes for children and young people.
Every CHILD was subject to a public consultation from September to November 2022. The Department has produced a report on the consultation. This report presents a detailed account of the responses received and the views expressed during the public consultation and the Department’s response.
The success of Every CHILD will be tracked through a broad range of population-level indicators which we hope, over time, will show that our work is making a positive difference to children and young people and those who work with and support them.
Annual Business Plans supporting Every CHILD
With effect from 2023-24, the Department’s annual Business Plans set out its actions to delivering the strategic priorities contained in Every CHILD.
Annual Business Plans prior to Every CHILD
Equality Impact Assessment Screening
DE is fully committed to its Section 75 statutory duties and in adhering to its Equality Scheme with regard to revising and developing education policies; assessing any equality and good relations impacts, any adverse impacts and seeking opportunities to better promote equality of opportunity and good relations, alongside subsequent monitoring for any adverse impacts of policies adopted. Every CHILD was subject to an Equality Impact Assessment screening exercise.