Documents for use in the planning of minor works schemes
Documents issued by Estate Operations Team for use in the planning of minor works schemes.
Buildsafe guidance notes
These documents provide guidance on the requirements for tendering for public sector works contracts.
- Buildsafe guidance note for action plan 1
- Buildsafe guidance note for action plan 2
- GCCG Buildsafe NI -Contractors health and safety report
Tendering and accounting documents
A template advertisement for construction contracts (under the EU notification threshold).
A VAT circular published with regards to the regulations governing Value Added Tax (VAT)
This document sets out the Department's requirements in relation to the production of current Unique Tax Reference Numbers by building contractors.
The document below is a guide to the selection and appointment of design team consultants for construction and other related works in the voluntary sector. It will form the basis on which the Department will grant-aid professional consultancy fees.
Forms for schools
This form should be completed by the school when submitting a request for additional accommodation or changes to existing accommodation.
This form should be completed by the schools lead consultant to show the projected start date and finish date of a minor works project together with the estimated accrued expenditure of construction and consultancy fees.
This form should be completed by the school trustees when a request for additional land has been approved by the Department to enable the vesting procedure to begin.
To be completed by all schools to enable grant to be paid into a bank account in the schools name.
If you require any further information, please contact Estate Operations Team.