Electronic cigarettes
Encouraging a smoke-free and e-cigarette free environment in schools and youth organisations.
Guidance for schools and youth organisations
The Department’s circular of January 2004 Circular 2004/01: Encouraging A Smoke-Free Environment in Schools and April 2005, Circular 2005/04: Encouraging A Smoke-Free Environment in Youth Organisations, highlighted the health risks associated with tobacco and with exposure to other people’s smoke (“passive” or “second-hand” smoking). Both circulars encouraged school authorities and youth organisations to put in place policies to ensure that the premises for which they are responsible are completely smoke-free environments.
The Department has now issued a further circular (Circular 2014/25 - Encouraging a Smoke-Free and E-Cigarette Free Environment in Schools and Youth Organisations) which encourages schools and youth organisations to extend the ban on smoking in school and youth premises to include a ban on the use of electronic-cigarettes (e-cigarettes).
This circular updates the earlier guidance reflecting key developments since that time, including legislative changes, the publication of the 'Ten Year Tobacco Control Strategy' for the north of Ireland and advice from the Chief Medical Officer on the use of e-cigarettes in the school environment. This advice is equally relevant to all youth organisations.