Research on transfer policy

The Department of Education has made available research reports on the selective system for children transfering from primary to post-primary school.

Gallagher and Smith research

The research report 'The Effects of the Selective System of Secondary Education in Northern Ireland' was published in September 2000. 

The research project was undertaken for the Department of Education by a consortium involving Queen’s University Belfast, University of Ulster, Stranmillis and St Mary’s University Colleges and BDO Stoy Hayward.

The lead academic staff were Professor Tony Gallagher, Graduate School of Education, Queen’s University and Professor Alan Smith, School of Education, University of Ulster.

Research briefing and main report

The research briefing and main report are available to view on the following Department of Education page:

Research papers

A series of additional research papers is also available to view. These were originally produced as an annex to the Project Report:

An Evaluation of the Craigavon Two-Tier System

The research report 'An Evaluation of the Craigavon Two-Tier System' was published in 1998. 

The research project was undertaken for the Department of Education by the Graduate School of Education, Queen’s University Belfast.  The academic staff were J Alexander, P Daly, A Gallagher, C Gray & A Sutherland.

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