Resource to support children with special educational needs
The Resource File is a work in progress, knowledge and expertise in teaching children with SEN is evolving continually and with this in mind, additional sections will be released through C2k and schools will be alerted to new materials and will be able to download these and add them to the file.
Resource file for special educational needs
Working parties of principals, teachers, lecturers and other educationalists have brought their considerable skills and experience together and have identified useful and effective strategies with the aim to produce a Resource File for Special Educational Needs (SEN).
It is hoped that this file and its resources can be deployed to support children not only with SEN but with a range of barriers to learning.
The resource folder can also be downloaded by it's separate chapters
A resource file for schools to support children with special educational needs through the medium of Irish
The English version of this resource has now been edited to share examples of good practice to assist Irish medium sector practitioners working with children who have been identified as having special educational needs.
The resource folder can be downloaded by individual chapters.
Powerpoint presentations
C2kNI have produced the following powerpoint presentations on how the C2kNI Management Information System can be used to effectively monitor special educational needs.
If you require further assistance on this, please contact your local C2KNI Management Information System Delivery Team.
ASPIRE resource
Aspire is a resource which can be used by individuals, groups of staff or by the staff as a whole and is designed to:build capacity using the Resource File for schools to support children with special Educational Needs.
The portfolio section of the ASPIRE resource has been produced as a separate formfill PDF to enable schools to download and complete as required.
It also includes a certificate schools can amend to suit their own school's individual needs to recognise internally teachers/ staff that have completed ASPIRE.
Extended early years special educational needs (SEN) supplement
This resource is designed specifically for practitioners working in the early years sector with children who have been identified as having special educational needs (SEN) and / or disability (DIS) referred to in this resource as children with SEN.
The following topics are covered by the resource:-
- transition
- play
- communication
- behaviour
Irish medium education early years handbook special educational needs
This resource is written by practitioners for practitioners currently working in Irish medium Early Years (IMEY) settings to support access to learning for all children. It adopts an inclusive approach to early identification and effective interventions.
The resource should be used in conjunction with recent publications to support children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Early Years.
This resource covers the following themes:-
- immersion
- transition / Settling in / Working with Parents
- valuing the Identity of the Child
- focus on Skill Development
- early Identification of Special Educational Needs
- play
- behaviour
- characteristics of Good Practice