Department of Education invites applications to General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland

Date published: 19 November 2015


The Department of Education is seeking to appoint four Departmental representative members to the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI).

The GTCNI is the professional registration and regulatory body for teachers in the north of Ireland.

The Council comprises 33 members including four members appointed by the Department. Departmental appointees need not be directly associated with the education service, but may have gained experience from other backgrounds including business or commercial life and/or involvement in the community. For example, legal skills, human resource, corporate governance or financial experience would be considered beneficial to the overall composition of the Council.

Applications are particularly welcome from women, non-traditional backgrounds, members of ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, those under 30 years of age and from the private and voluntary sectors.

The Department is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. It is also committed to providing equality of opportunity for all applicants and to improving diversity and eradicating under-representation on the boards of its Arm’s Length Bodies.

The Department intends to appoint representatives until October 2019. The time commitment is anticipated to be approximately 9 days per annum. Members are not remunerated but are eligible to claim travel and other expenses incurred while carrying out their Council duties.

The closing date for applications is 5pm on Thursday 10 December 2015.

Further details of the role and full selection criteria are set out in the application pack which is available on nidirect - Public Appointment Vacancies or by emailing:


Notes to editors: 

1. Late applications will not be considered unless there are extenuating circumstances. CVs, letters or any other supplementary material will not be accepted in place of or in addition to the completed application form.

2. How to apply - Application Packs are available by contacting DE as follows:

Contact Names: Trish McBride or Barbara Baird
Telephone: (028) 9127 7684/9860/9461
Voicemail: (028) 9127 9860
Text phone: 18001 (028) 9127 9461
Website: nidirect - Public Appointment Vacancies

In writing:

Education Governance Team
Department of Education
4th Floor, Rathgael House
43 Balloo Road
BT19 7PR

3. Application packs can be made available in other formats e.g. Braille, large print, Irish language.


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