Education Minister issues COVID-19 guidance to educational settings

Date published: 16 March 2020

Education Minister Peter Weir has today issued guidance to schools and other educational settings in Northern Ireland.

Education Minister Peter Weir

The guidance is intended to assist schools and other educational settings, including early years and youth, to provide advice for pupils, students, staff and parents or carers regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus).

The Minister said: “The position on COVID-19 is exceptionally fast moving and new developments are emerging on a daily basis. I fully understand the concerns of schools and parents and want to assure everyone that the Department of Education is working intensively with its education sector partners and with colleagues across the UK as well as the Department of Health (DoH), the Public Health Agency (PHA) on a full range of very complex issues with regard to COVID-19. As new information becomes available, and decisions are taken, this guidance will be urgently updated.

“The Department has also instigated a range of contingency planning measures, including the establishment of a COVID-19 Education Planning Group to co-ordinate efforts across the education sector. 

“I want to make clear that any decision to close schools and other educational settings will be backed up by expert, clear and unambiguous advice and guidance provided to me by the Chief Medical Officer, the Public Health Agency and the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.

“This is not a step that I will take lightly or without careful consideration of the significant consequences. I understand the implications that school closures would have on a large number of parents being removed from their current jobs and instead staying at home to look after their children. Some of these will be doctors, nurses, police officers, paramedics and fire fighters, the very people we need at this key moment in time to complete critical contingency planning for the weeks and months ahead.

The Minister concluded: “I thank all those working in all our school settings across Northern Ireland for their continued professionalism during these very challenging times.”


Notes to editors: 

  1. The COVID-19 guidance for educational settings.

    2. Media enquiries to the Department of Education’s Press Office Tel: 028 9127 9207. Out of office hours, contact the Duty Press Officer on 028 9037 8110 and your call will be returned.

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