Information on schools open for vulnerable children and key workers’ children

Date published: 30 March 2020

A list of schools which are open for the educational supervision of vulnerable children and key workers’ children is now available online.

Covid-19 News

A list of schools which are open for the educational supervision of vulnerable children and key workers’ children is now available online.

Schools are open only to allow staff to organise remote learning for their pupils and to make provision for supervised learning for these children up to the end of Year 10.

Education Minister, Peter Weir said: “Schools are only open as a last resort option for vulnerable children and the children of key workers who cannot be accommodated elsewhere during the day.

“To date, the number of children in schools for supervised learning remains low and I am grateful that parents and carers are acting responsibly by sourcing alternative arrangements.

“However, I am aware of a small number of cases where key workers’ children have not been able to access school premises.  We must all play our part in supporting those people who are at the frontline of dealing with this current crisis.  I must stress that only one parent/carer needs to be a key worker for the child.

“Where possible, we would encourage schools to continue to look after critical workers’ children and vulnerable children throughout the Easter holidays and consider whether weekend provision can be facilitated. This will be kept under review.”

The Education Authority has also created a school placement request form.  This form is for key workers to request supervised learning for their child in an available school setting, if their normal school is not open.

Continuing the Minister said: “For those key workers who have been unable to access a school premises, I would ask them to use this information to identify a school which will be able to accommodate their child.

“My Department is gathering information from schools on a daily basis to monitor how schools are managing to ensure they remain safe for pupils and staff alike.

“I greatly appreciate all those schools and their staff who have opened their doors to support these critical workers in what is a worldwide crisis.  My Department, together with the Education Authority and other agencies will continue to provide them with support and guidance.”  

Notes to editors: 

  1. Schools which have been open for educational supervision are listed by date on the Department's website at Department of Education releases on COVID-19 (coronavirus) under the heading Information and Guidance for Educational Settings.
  2. Key worker school placement request form.

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