O’Dowd meets Concerned Parents of De La Salle group

Date published: 08 April 2016

Education Minister John O’Dowd has met with Concerned Parents of De La Salle group.

Speaking following the meeting, the Minister said:

“Like the parents of all pupils attending De La Salle, I am concerned about the impact of the current situation on the education of these young people, especially those due to sit examinations soon.

“I have listened to the concerned parents group and I recognise their concerns. We agreed that the appointment of the Associate Principal who is now in place is a positive move. I am confident that the addition of Imelda Jordan, a highly respected educationalist with an impressive track record is a game changer and will help to stabilise the learning environment.

“I outlined to the group the work undertaken by the relevant authorities to address concerns. I believe the seven point plan, agreed by CCMS, unions and the Board of Governors before Christmas, is the route to resolution. 

“I confirmed to Concerned parents of De La Salle group that an independent investigation into the school will not be carried out at this time, however, as with any school, this is possible should relevant evidence be presented.”

Concluding Minister O’Dowd said:

“I also confirmed to the group that I would not be standing down the current management team or Board of Governors at De La Salle. However, I do expect that those signed up to the agreed seven point plan play their part fully. I and my department will be keeping the implementation of the plan under close review. 

“I am confident that if everyone continues to focus on the needs of these young people above all else, this situation can be resolved.”

Notes to editors: 

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