Weir approves decreased enrolment at Glencraig Integrated Primary School

Date published: 13 September 2016

Education Minister, Peter Weir, has approved a development proposal to decrease approved enrolment at Glencraig Integrated Primary School, Craigavad.

News Update

The approved enrolment will decrease from 252 to 210 from 1 September 2017, or as soon as possible thereafter. The current admission figure of 30 will remain and the school will continue to operate as a single stream entry school.

Commenting on the decision the Minister said:

“Glencraig Integrated Primary School has been operating for some time as a seven class base primary school and this readjustment of its enrolment number will bring it into line with its approved admissions number and available accommodation.  

I am satisfied that the revised school’s enrolment will facilitate the school and enable it to continue to serve the local community as part of a network of viable and sustainable schools which are fit for purpose in terms of number, location and size.

“However, it is clear from the evidence presented to me that there is oversubscription in the local area and that there is a need for a review of integrated provision and consideration given of how best to meet the demand for integrated places.  Therefore, within the timeframe of the new Area Plan the Education Authority will, in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education, undertake to improve/ increase integrated provision in the wider local area.

“The revised enrolment of 210 places at Glencraig Primary School’s now aligns with the school’s Year 1 admission number of 30 and reflects its established enrolment pattern.  I wish the school continued success for the future.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. Glencraig is an integrated primary school situated in Craigavad, Co Down and has an approved admission figure of 30.
  2. On 24 March 2016, the EA published Development Proposal (DP) No. 453which proposed that the enrolment number of Glencraig IPS should decrease from 252 places to 210.The current admission figure of 30 would remain.The school would continue as a single stream entry school with an admission of 30 and an approved enrolment 210 from 1st September 2017, or as soon as possible thereafter.
  3. The EA has advised that the accommodation at Glencraig IPS is not capable of accommodating 252 pupils and the proposed decrease in the school’s approved enrolment is in line with the current admission figure of 30. Glencraig has never ever approached its enrolment number of 252.
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  6. Media enquiries to the Department of Education Press Office Tel: 028 9127 9207. Out of office hours, contact the Duty Press Officer via pager number 076 99 715 440, and your call will be returned.

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