Minister provides schools with £14million greater spending power in 2016-17

Date published: 31 October 2016

Education Minister, Peter Weir, has announced that he is providing schools with £14million of additional spending power this year.

Education Minister Peter Weir

Peter Weir said:

“I am fully aware of the challenging financial position facing schools this year, which is reflective of the difficult financial environment facing the whole Northern Ireland public sector. It is important that a balance is struck between increasing pay costs and securing jobs. 

“I value the significant contributions teachers make to the education and development of our children and young people. However, my top priority is pupils and improving their educational outcomes.  Today’s young people are tomorrow’s future generations and it is therefore right that I focus my efforts there.

“Since taking up my post as Education Minister, I have been acutely aware of the pressure on my budget and the subsequent impact on schools.  This has been reinforced through my discussions with Principals and I want to assure them I have been listening. While it is difficult to make changes in year, providing further financial assistance to schools has been one of my top priorities and I have been working to address this for some months.”

Continuing the Minister said that achieving this recommended pay settlement is an important element in his overall package of providing schools with £14million of additional spending power in 2016-17.

He said:

“The £14million has two key elements: as a result of this pay settlement staff costs will reduce by nearly £7million and I have proactively reviewed the overall Education budget and reallocated over £7million of new funding to the 2016-17 Schools Budget. The £7million new funding will now be distributed to schools, using the Common Funding Formula.

 “These two elements together will lessen the burden on school budgets, mitigate some of the increased 2016-17 Employer National Insurance costs impacting all schools, as well as going some way to protecting teaching posts that may otherwise be at risk of redundancy.  Today’s announcement is further evidence of how the Executive is delivering for people and especially our young people.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. This follows a recommendation made by Management Side of the Teachers Negotiating Committee (TNC), of 0% and 1% cost of living settlements for teachers, in September 2015 and 2016 respectively. In addition, teachers have received incremental progression, for September 2015 and September 2016.
  2. All teachers’ terms and conditions matters, including pay, are negotiated through the forum of the Teachers’ Negotiating Committee (TNC).TNC is made up of representatives from Management side (employers and sectoral interests) and the Northern Ireland Teaching Council (NITC; which is made up of the five recognised teaching unions).
  3. Follow us on Twitter @education_NI
  4. See photos from the Department of Education in our flickr collection.
  5. Media enquiries to the Department of Education Press Office Tel: 028 9127 9207. Out of office hours, contact the Duty Press Officer via pager number 0762 397 4383, and your call will be returned.

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