Weir commends the work of the Full Service Community Network at showcase event

Date published: 10 January 2017

Education Minister, Peter Weir, today attended an event at Corpus Christi College in Belfast, to showcase and celebrate the work of the Full Service Community Network.

The Full Service Community Network is a Department of Education pilot project operating in West Belfast which, together with a similar project based at the Girls’ and Boys’ Model Schools in North Belfast, provides additional support to children and young people and their families in accordance with identified needs.

Speaking at the showcase event today, the Minister said:

“It is a great pleasure to be here today to see first-hand the learning support activities which are being delivered as part of Full Service provision in North and West Belfast.  As Minister for Education, I am committed to ensuring that all young people, regardless of background, can realise their full potential. The additional opportunities facilitated by both the Full Service programmes are helping to remove some of the barriers associated with educational underachievement.

“The Full Service showcase event has provided a valuable opportunity for all those involved to demonstrate the benefits of a partnership approach between schools and a range of partners across the statutory, voluntary and community sectors. I would like to thank and congratulate everyone involved for delivering a successful and enjoyable event today.”

The Full Service Community Network focuses support on those schools serving the Greater Falls and Upper Springfield areas and consists of counselling provision for identified primary school pupils and literacy and numeracy support for low or under-achieving pupils. The corresponding pilot project in North Belfast, the Full Service Extended Schools, offers a wide range of programmes which seek to improve levels of educational achievement.

Project Manager, Ann Pendleton said:

“I wish to thank the Minister for taking time to come and witness the quality teaching and learning provided by the Full Service Community Network in supporting schools and nurseries within the Upper Springfield and Greater Falls areas to overcome barriers to learning and raise standards for all children.”        

Notes to editors: 

  1. The Full Service Extended Schools and Full Service Community Network pilot projects have been in place since 2006 and 2008 respectively. Each programme is currently resourced by DE at £385,000 in 2016-17.
  2. Follow us on Twitter @Education_NI
  3. See photos from the Department of Education in our flickr collection.
  4. Media enquiries to the Department of Education Press Office Tel: 028 9127 9207. Out of office hours, contact the Duty Press Officer via pager number 0762 397 4383 and your call will be returned.

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