The Pathway Fund 2021–2023
The Department of Education’s Pathway Fund for 2021/22 (and provisionally 2022/23) will open for application from Tuesday 5th January 2021.
The Pathway Fund is administered on behalf of the Department by Early Years – the Organisation for Young Children (EYO). Details of the Fund can be found on the EYO website; including how to register for online information sessions about submitting an application.
The Pathway Fund aims to;
- improve the development of children who are at risk of not reaching their full educational potential; and
- enhance sustainability of the Early Years sector.
The Fund is open to all registered providers or facilitators of Early Years education and learning provision focused on children 0-4 years, such as:
- Registered Sessional Day-care Settings (Out of Schools, Summer Schemes, Playgroups, Crèches)
- Registered Full Day Care Settings (Day Nurseries)
- Registered Childminders
- Facilitators of Early Years education and learning.
EYO can be contacted for queries relating to the Fund by visiting the Early Years website