Teachers' pay and workload settlement 2017/19

Final agreement on teachers' pay and workload - 28 April 2020

At a meeting of the Teachers’ Negotiating Committee on Tuesday 28 April 2020, Management Side and the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council formally ratified an agreement to resolve the long running industrial dispute of teachers’ pay and workload

Joint statement from the Teachers' Negotiating Committee - 28 April 2020

TNC 2020/01 - Agreement between Management and Trade Union Side - 28 April 2020

Formal offer on teachers' pay and workload - 8 April 2020

At a meeting of the Teachers’ Negotiating Committee (TNC) on Wednesday 8 April 2020, and following receipt of the appropriate approvals from the Department of Education and the Department of Finance, a formal offer was submitted to the Northern Ireland Teaching Council (NITC) to resolve the long running industrial dispute of teachers’ pay and workload. 

Joint Statement from Management Side and NITC 8 April 2020

Related to Teachers' pay and workload settlement 2017/19

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