Common Funding Formula Budgets for Schools 2020-21

Date published: 22 May 2020

Last updated: 03 December 2020

This new page contains the 2020-21 CFF Budget Allocations which is linked to the Common Funding Page.

The documents below provide summary totals of the delegated budget allocations for all grant-aided schools in 2020-21, calculated under the Common Funding Formula (CFF) arrangements.  This excludes the additional funding for the teachers’ pay award arrears which will be allocated to schools at a later stage.

For comparative purposes, details of the Aggregated Schools Budget (ASB)  and Age Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU) cash values for each funding stream in the 2020-21 and 2019-20 financial year have been provided

For information only, a comparison of the 2020-21 CFF Allocation to the 2019-20 CFF Allocation recalculated using 2020-21 formula demographics (2019 Census data) has been provided to demonstrate the impact of the increase in funding at school level.

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