The Burns Report

The review body was established to consult and bring forward recommendations for the future organisations of post-primary education in Northern Ireland. They produced the Report of the Review Body on Post-Primary Education (Burns Report).

Report of the Review Body on Post-Primary Education (Burns Report) 

The document Education for the 21st Century: Report by the Post-Primary Review Body was published for consultation in October 2001.  The document is available to download in full or by chapters.

Report in full

Part 1

Part 1 of the report covers the need for change;

Part 2

Part 2 of the report covers partnerships and progress;

Part 3

Part 3 covers the appendices; 

Consultation and responses

A report into the review of post-primary education was published in October 2002, and is available for download below;

The Department of Education made available all responses received which were fully considered, and these can be viewed below;

Statistical tables

Statistical tables are available below which summarise information provided by respondents;

Views of children and young people

Research into the views of children and young people can be viewed below;

Ministerial meetings with key interest groups

Notes on ministerial meetings with key interest groups can be viewed below;

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