Application for phased retirement benefits (TP4)

Date published: 25 August 2017


Application form for phased retirement benefits.

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we are accepting applications for retirement electronically. There are two ways you can complete your Application for Phased Retirement Benefits TP4 form:

Online version - Please note when using the online version, a copy must be saved to your computer. Adobe Acrobat reader is required to fill out the form. You then e-mail the completed form, based on the instruction below.

Download and scan - If you wish to use the download version of the form, please print off a copy and complete it before scanning and sending according to the instruction below.

Teachers working in EA schools should send their completed form to

Teachers working in CCMS schools should send their completed form to

Teachers working in Voluntary Grammar schools, the Further Education sector or outside bodies should forward their completed form to their employer.

Please also send a copy of your birth certificate with your form. N.B a photocopy or scanned version will be accepted during this period.

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