Applications Sought for Membership of the Independent Review of Education Panel

Date published: 01 March 2021

The Department of Education (DE) has launched a competition to appoint a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and three Members of the Independent Review of Education Panel.

The establishment of an external, independent review of education provision was a key commitment in ‘New Decade, New Approach’ (NDNA).  NDNA explains that the focus of this Review will be on securing greater efficiency in delivery costs, raising standards, access to the curriculum for all pupils, and the prospects of moving towards a single education system.

The Review Panel will be led by an external independent Chair, appointed by the DE Minister following an open recruitment process in line with the Office of the Commissioner of Public Appointments (OCPANI) principles and guidance. The Chair will be supported by a Vice Chair and three additional panel members, each of which will also be appointed by the DE Minister following an open recruitment process.

The recruitment process launched on 1st March 2021 and the closing date for receipt of applications is 4:00pm on 26th March 2021.

How to Apply

An application pack is available in the documents below or by contacting the Review Team as follows:


Telephone:       (028) 9185 8022

By writing to:   Independent Review of Education Team, Department of Education, 1st Floor, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Rathgill, Bangor, BT19 7PR.

If you require an application pack in a different format e.g. large print please contact us.

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