Appointment of a DE Non-Executive Board and ARAC Member

Date published: 07 December 2021

The Department of Education (DE) is seeking to appoint a Non-Executive Board Member (NEBM) to the Department’s Board.

NEBMs play an important role on the Departmental Board and the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee by bringing an external and independent perspective.  They perform this invaluable role by using their experience to support and challenge officials.  The external view brought by NEBMs adds significantly to the corporate decision-making process and enables the Accounting Officer to gain assurance on additional governance and risk management issues.


The role of a NEBM may be suited to you if you are someone that:

•     is interested in ensuring that public services are delivered in the most          effective and efficient way;

•     has an inquiring and inquisitive mind, with an ability to assimilate,                  assess and analyse complex information;

•     possess high ethical standards, sound judgement and the ability to              communicate ideas; and,

•     can think creatively and have an ability to take a wider, strategic view.


This competition represents an exciting and valuable opportunity to make a real difference to the running of a Government Department and its agencies and to ensure that public resources are managed effectively.


NEBMs will receive a remuneration rate of £10,000 per annum.  Time commitment is anticipated to equate to approximately 20 days per year. 


The deadline for receipt of applications is 12:00 Noon on Friday 7 January 2022.  Late applications will not be accepted. 


A candidate information pack and application form can be obtained as follows:-


Website: Download directly from the page on the DE website:  


Email to:


Telephone: 07714623448


By writing to: 


IBM Recruitment

Departmental Business Services Team

Department of Education

Rathgael House

Balloo Road


BT19 7PR


The DE is committed to the principles of appointments based on merit, openness and transparency of process.  The DE is committed to providing equality of opportunity and welcomes applications regardless of religious belief, gender, gender identity, disability, race, political opinion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or whether or not you have dependants.  Applications are particularly welcome from women, young people, members of ethnic minority communities and people with disabilities as these groups are currently under-represented in these types of roles.   If you require the documents in an alternative format, please contact us at the above address. 


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