Register of Interests

The details provided here are for DE Departmental Board & Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) members only.

Mark Browne, Permanent Secretary, DE


Linsey Farrell, Deputy Secretary, DE


Ronnie Armour, Deputy Secretary, DE

Mr Armours's wife is a school principal.  

Heather Cousins, Deputy Secretary, DE


Faustina Graham, Chief Inspector, ETI


Marcella Phillips, NICS HR Business Partner


Neil Palmer, Interim Finance Director


Gavin Patrick, Member of DE Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

Mr Patrick's sister in law is an independent speech therapist and is engaged by a number of schools for speech therapy interventions for their pupils.

Partick Butler, Member of DE Audit and Risk Assurance Committee


Paul Corrigan, Independent Board Member - DE Board and ARAC Committee

As a member of the Labour Relations Agency Panel of Arbitrators he may, on occasion, chair an independent appeal panel on behalf of a teacher or non-teaching staff member employed by EA or CCMS.  He is also a volunteer business advisor for Young Enterprise NI.  Mr Corrigan is also a Non Executive Director with the NI Ambulance Service.

Anna Carragher, Independent Board Member - DE Board and ARAC Committee



Last checked 9 February 2024 - Bryan Laverty

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