Governance of the Northern Ireland Teachers' Pension Scheme (NITPS)
Information on the NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board and the Terms of Reference of the NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Advisory Board.
Pension Board membership and information on employment, job title and other positions held
This document details membership of the NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board (NITPSPB) and information about employment/job title and other positions held by Pension Board members.
Pension Board terms of reference
This document sets out the current Terms of Reference for the NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board (NITPSPB) with effect from June 2017.
This document sets out the previous Terms of Reference for the NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board (NITPSPB) - this document has been superseded by the NITPSPB Terms of Referene - June 2017
Appointment process for the chair of the Pension Board
This document describes the Appointment Process for the Chair of the NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board (NITPSPB)
Appointment process for members of the Pension Board
This document describes the Appointment Process for members of the NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board (NITPSPB) representing scheme members or employers.
Roles and Responsibilities - chair of the Pension Board
This document sets out the Roles and Responsibilities of the Chair of the NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board (NITPSPB)
Roles and Responsibilities - members of the Pension Board
This document sets out the Roles and Responsibilities of members of the NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board (NITPSPB) representing scheme members or employers.
Pension Board Secretariat Terms of Reference
This document sets out the Terms of Reference for the NI Teachers' Pensions Scheme Pension Board (NITPSPB) Secretariat
NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board Conflict of Interest Policy
This document details the NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board (NITPSPB) Conflict of Interest Policy and associated procedures
NI Teachers' Pension Scheme Breach Reporting Policy & Procedures
This document sets out the NI Teachers’ Pension Scheme Policy and Procedures in relation to reporting breaches of law to the Pensions Regulator.
Advisory Board terms of reference
This document sets out the Terms of Reference for the NI Teachers' Pensions Scheme Advisory Board (NITPSAB)