Guidance for schools on the procurement of any works, equipment, goods or services.
Procurement – general information and guidance
All public procurement should be subject to competition to ensure best value for money. The Department of Education (DE) and it's Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs), including schools, are subject to Northern Ireland Public Procurement Policy, which can be accessed at:
Procurement Guidance Notes (PGNs) are the administrative means by which the Northern Ireland Public Sector, including DE and its NDPBs, is advised of procurement policy and best practice developments. See link below:
The majority of education sector procurement opportunities are administered and overseen by the Education Authority in its role as a Centre of Procurement Expertise (CoPE).
Procurement - Education Authority
The Education Authority (EA) is the first point of contact for both procurement guidance for local schools and for potential tender opportunities for prospective suppliers. The range of services procured by the EA includes capital works projects, design services for capital works as well as goods and services.
For schools, procurement of any works, equipment, goods or services should use such guidance and procedures as set out by the EA - including any arrangements for call-off contracts, tender lists, numbers for written quotations against defined limits, publishing requirements and all applicable legislation including EU directives.
The EA procurement related web pages can be accessed via the following link.