Recording pupil absences
Guidance for schools on the recording of pupil absences and non attendance statistics from 2002.
Management of pupil absence
Since September 2006, a new standardised system of recording absences has been used in schools, following an update of the attendance module of the Classroom 2000 (C2K) system. This enables schools to record pupils' absences, the reasons for the absence and whether the absence is authorised or unauthorised. This new data has been collected as part of the annual school census exercise since 2006/07 school year and may be used in future years to inform the setting of targets on pupil attendance.
Circular 2020/08 - Attendance guidance and absence recording by schools provides guidance to schools on managing pupil attendance and on the use of C2k absence codes
A sample template form that schools may wish to consider using as a notification form for completion by parents or carers when their child returns to school following an absence is available on the Department's website at Sample template - absence notification form.
The Form SA1 should be used to remove a pupil from the general register of a school.
Attendance matters - A parent's guide
Attendance Matters - A Parent's Guide leaflet has been issued to all schools. Schools can print additional copies as required.