Appointment of a Non-Executive Member to the Department of Education
Date published:
Paul Corrigan has been appointed as an independent, Non-Executive Member to the Departmental Board of the Department of Education and as a Member of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.
Paul Corrigan’s appointment is for an initial two year term from 1 May 2022. This may be extended up to a maximum total term of six years.
The primary role of a Non-Executive Member is to contribute to the good governance of the Department. This involves offering constructive challenge across all of the Department’s business, with a view to ensuring that all aspects of strategy and delivery of policy are scrutinised for effectiveness and efficiency.
Notes to editors:
1. Paul is a former Logistics Director for Royal Mail where he had a 28 year career. Paul has been an Independent Arbitrator and Appeals Chair with the Labour Relations Agency since 2002.
2. He is a Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit Committee on the Northern Health & Social Care Trust and a Commission Member with the Local Government Staff Commission.
3. In July 2015 Paul was appointed by the Lord Chief Justice as a Lay Member of the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal and also sits as a Lay Member on the Scrutiny Committee of the Pharmaceutical Society NI.
4. Paul works with the leading educational charity Young Enterprise NI as a volunteer business advisor and as a volunteer driver for Marie Curie NI.
5. The Departmental Board comprises the following members:
- Permanent Secretary (Chairperson);
- Three Deputy Secretaries;
- Chief Inspector of Education and Training Inspectorate;
- Finance Director;
- Departmental Strategic HR Business Partner; and
- Two Non-Executive Members.
6. Follow us on Twitter @Education_NI.
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