Consultation launched on Every Child: Department of Education’s Corporate Plan
Date published:
The Department of Education has launched a public consultation on its draft Corporate Plan which outlines its strategic priorities for the next five years.
‘Every Child: The Department of Education’s Corporate Plan 2023-2028’ proposes a new vision of every child and young person being happy, learning and ready to succeed. The draft Plan is also underpinned with five new child-centred strategic priorities to help deliver this vision. They are:
- Championing all our children and young people and the positive impact of education on all aspects of life;
- Helping all our children and young people where they need support for their learning and well-being;
- Inspiring all our children and young people to make a positive contribution to society;
- Meeting the learning needs of our children and young people and developing their knowledge and skills, enabling them to fulfil their potential; and
- Delivering an effective, child-focused, collaborative, high-quality education system.
The Department has undertaken extensive engagement with education stakeholders, children and young people to develop the draft plan, which aligns with a number of strategies including the Programme for Government Draft Outcomes Framework, the Children and Young People’s Delivery Plan, the Consolidated Covid-19 Recovery Plan, A Fair Start and New Decade, New Approach.
The draft Plan aims to focus the Department’s work on improving outcomes for all children and young people. To help shape its future direction, the Department is encouraging all individuals, organisations and groups who work with children and young people to respond to the consultation, including schools; youth services; early years and pre-school providers; and voluntary and community groups.
The consultation period for the draft Corporate Plan will run for eight weeks from 20 September 2022 until 15 November 2022.
Consultation documents, including an easy read version, can be accessed via the Department of Education website:
Notes to editors:
1. The consultation period will run from Tuesday 20 September 2022 until Tuesday 15 November 2022. Please note that responses received after the closing date may not be considered.
2. Responses to the consultation can be made using the online facility on Citizen Space. Or send email or post responses to:
- Email: (please mark subject as DE Corporate Plan Consultation)
By post:
Department of Education
Rathgael House
43 Balloo Road
BT19 7PR