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2875 publications

The following link provides the terms of reference regarding the literacy and numeracy strategy for Irish-medium education

Published 22 March 2011Guidance literature

The Department carried out a focussed consultation on the draft guidance to schools on school uniform policy. You can view a summary of the responses here:

Published 01 March 2011Consultation reports

In 2008, the NSPCC was asked to undertake exploratory research on the need for preventative education in primary schools, which equips pupils to recognise and respond appropriately to bullying, child abuse and domestic abuse.

Published 01 March 2011Research and analysis

This policy will complement the curriculum by providing teachers and youth workers with the capacity to address what are often difficult and sensitive issues; by ensuring good practice is disseminated and relevant materials are available; by equipping children and young people

Published 01 March 2011Policy papers

A selection of slides highlighting the key messages of Count, read: succeed - a strategy to improve outcomes in literacy and numeracy

Published 01 March 2011Guidance literature

The resources file was produced by working parties of principals, teachers, lecturers and other educationalists who shared their considerable skills and experience and identified useful and effective strategies, shaping these into a common framework for use by all teachers and

Published 01 March 2011Guidance literature

This report sets out the main findings from Stage One of
the work which focused on the identification of education
administration and support services where there appears to be
evidence of the potential to deliver additional efficiencies and

Published 01 March 2011Consultation reports

Training material to raise awareness of child protection and safeguarding in schools.

Published 07 February 2011Guidance literature

This circular is to remind schools of their statutory responsibility to ensure that class sizes for pupils in Year 1-4 do not exceed 30 pupils.

Published 01 February 2011Circulars

This report summarises the 72 formal responses received to the CRED Policy public consultation.

Published 01 February 2011Policy papers

The strategic planning and policy development forum minutes for 2011.

Published 01 February 2011Agendas and minutes

This circular is to advise Boards of Governors, Principals and teachers of their responsibility to implement the safe use of bandsaws as set out in this document.

Published 01 February 2011Circulars

These Regulations apply to school development plans prepared or revised by the Board of Governors of a grant-aided school, in pursuance of the requirements of the scheme of management for the school under Article 13(1) of the Education (Northern Ireland) Order 1998,

Published 24 January 2011Legislation and regulations

The guidance is intended to support every school in embedding a
reflective, inclusive, robust and evidence-based process of self-evaluation, planning and
actions to bring about improvement in pupil outcomes.

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

Indicators of effective performance

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

Every School a Good School – A Policy for School Improvement emphasises the

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

The following list sets out the Department’s key policies for schools

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

Resources to support self-evaluation and development planning.

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

Guidance on how schools might address ways to promote sustainable development through the school’s teaching and learning, leadership and management and engagement with its community.

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

Guidance on accounting for targeting Social Need funding.

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

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