Maintaining and boosting your pension
Information on index-linking of retirement benefits and application forms to reinstate previously withdrawn contributions, to transfer credit with a previous pension provider, to cover additional service for family pensions and to purchase additional pension
Index-linking of retirement benefits
Your pension will be increased annually each April in line with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI), in order to maintain its purchasing power. The rate of increase will not mirror any rate of increase in teachers’ pay; it may be higher or lower.
If your pension is paid before your 55th birthday, this increase will not be paid until after that birthday unless you have been prematurely retired and have dependent children or you are incapacitated in which case benefits are increased annually regardless of your age.
Reinstate previously withdrawn contributions
This form should only be completed by those who have previously withdrawn contributions prior to 1 June 1973 and wish to repay these.
Application to transfer
Those who wish to transfer credit with a previous pension provider into the Northern Ireland Teachers' Pension Scheme (NITPS) should only complete this form. It must be made within 12 months of entering pensionable teaching service.
Cover additional service for family pensions
You may increase the amount of family benefits to be paid by electing to purchase all or part of your earlier service that may be eligible under the conditions outlined in the notes attached to this document.
Election to purchase additional pension
This form should be completed if you wish to elect to Purchase Additional Pension.